
The above figure shows the work packages grouped into different groups linked to the project methodology. Different techniques will be used to measure the success of the individual work packages and the project as a whole. While the work packages will focus on their specific areas, the overall objective of RiHEI requires addressing a number of cross-cutting topics (multidisciplinary) as well as the involvement of multiple stakeholders. To address these challenges, small agile Task Forces (TFs) will be created to address these cross-cutting issues (TFs will be part of the WP work and work across WPs). Task Forces are small teams addressing a specific problem in a relatively short time frame. In terms of timeline, the rationale is as follows: Starting with WP2 (Capacity Development), which is required to implement the implementation of WP3 capabilities. Once WP2 and WP3 are completed, WP4 (Impact, Legacy and Modernisation) will be achieved exclusively through intensive dissemination and communication (WP5), the aim of which is to enable the translation of WP2 and WP3 into impact; in parallel, WP6 (Monitoring and Evaluation) is a continuous process to ensure that all objectives and KPIs are achieved, while WP1 (ongoing) will facilitate overall coordination and management. 

WP1 is the management WP which ensures the proper implementation and coordination of the project. Specific objectives: Manage the RiHEI Consortium, Ensure communication, Monitor project advancement and oversee project risks and mitigation measures, Maintain the link with the EACEA, Oversee legal, contractual, IPR, ethical and gender matters, Ensure a mentoring/coaching mechanism among the beneficiaries towards better facilitating overall project management. 

WP2 is linked to all 5 specific objectives (SO1-SO5) as it focuses on developing the capacity-building toolkits and digital platform. Specifically, this WP will: Engage in foresight exercises to develop the future profile(s) of the engaged and entrepreneurial Georgian HEIs capable of sustainable & responsible job creation and youth engagement; Develop the six capacity buildings toolkits (CBT1-CBT6) based on the identified needs and the results of the foresight exercise; Develop the RiHEI platform. 

WP3 is linked to all 5 specific objectives (SO1-SO5) as it focuses on implementing the capacity-building training and digital platform piloting. Specifically, this WP will: devise and implement hybrid training and actions aimed at reforming university governance, enhancing student services and greening campuses, strengthening the international relations office establishing quality assurance processes and operating the digital platform. The training will be concentrated into two intensive University Transformation Weeks in Georgia and strategic visits to EU counterparts. 

WP4 is linked the all 5 specific objectives (SO1-SO5) as it focuses on achieving impact, recommendations for modernisation and sustainability (legacy). Specifically, this WP will: foster recommendations for the modernization of KIU, TSU and GSU based on RiHEI outputs; facilitate early-stage impact measurement from the project actions; celebrate and award talent; and define the sustainability actions of the project. 

WP5 aims to ensure that RiHEI reaches its impact and sustainability and its sub-objectives are: to maximize project visibility and its impact by demonstrating the scale of impact stemming from the project activities; To diffuse and multiply capacity & project excellence within and beyond the project consortium (EIU-wide scale of impact); To identify synergies with other related projects and exchange knowledge to reuse, bind and exponentially facilitate the impact and result in sustainability; To better facilitate the quadruple helix participatory engagement process and foresight exercises; To actively influence policy and contribute to national development of the Georgian HEI ecosystem; Facilitate the achievement of the institutional, regional, national and international impact; Formalize, institutionalize each component of RiHEI platform. 

WP6 ensures effective and qualitative project content and activity development and has as sub-objectives: To safeguard the compliance & format of the project’s activities and outputs. To certify traceability of the project’s actions and outcomes; To recognize and categorize potential problems or weaknesses in the project’s actions and results to remedy them. To review the project’s results vis-à-vis expected impact; To assess the project’s results per identified target group. 

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.