The project will implement a package of trainings for capacity building and piloting of the digital platform. Hybrid trainings and actions will be developed and implemented to reform the university governance, enhance student services and greening campuses, strengthen international relations office, establish quality assurance processes and operate the digital platform. Trainings will be concentrated in two intensive University Transformation Weeks in Georgia and strategic visits to EU counterparts.
Thematic scope of university transformation weeks:
First university transformation week | Reforming university governance Funding diversification Enhanced student support Inclusion of young people from social groups at risk Open day & STEAM entrepreneurship youth lighthouse: |
Second university transformation week | Strengthening international relations office Quality assurance instrument training) University analytics EU Resource Hub & platform pilot Open day & STEAM entrepreneurship youth lighthouse |
Thematic scope of trainings
International trainings (at EU partners) | To further strengthen the capacity building actions, key staff from KIU, TSU and GSU will take part in various international hybrid training events taking place at EU partners: TUMint’s University Reform Accelerator Workshop (Germany) MLU’s Student Support Service Accelerator Workshop (Germany) 1 international visit (in the EU) at the European University Alliance meeting (in Lodz, Poland) to have a hands-on approach of how European Alliances work |
STEAM youth lighthouse: a circular and sustainable digital future” pilots | to better support young students (and other interested youth) from remote/rural areas better acquire employability and/or entrepreneurship skills, TSU, GSU and KIU will launch “STEAM youth lighthouse pilots” during the two intensive University Transformation Weeks |
Continuous training activities | After performing the two intensive training weeks as well as the international trainings and virtual mobility, KIU, TSU and GSU will ensure a continuous training package in order to increase the number of trained target groups and achieve the indicators mentioned in the specific objectives and in the quality/monitoring. |
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.