RiHEI will adopt an innovative approach as a starting point for its methodological development, drawing on the OECD’s strategic foresight approach. OECD bases foresight on ‘the analysis of plausible futures that can support better policy-making. Instead of making predictions based on linear extrapolation of past and present trends, foresight cultivates the ability to anticipate alternative futures and the ability to imagine multiple and non-linear possible consequences’. Foresight will be implemented through online workshops using collaborative tools (MIRO). In total, 3 foresight workshops will be organized in Georgia with at least 50 participants. The foresight process will be linked to previously identified training needs. Once the foresight is finalized, HEI capacity profiles will be defined based on use case approaches. This will allow for better shaping of the capacity building content to ensure that the competences and skills transferred reflect the future sphere of Georgian HEIs.
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